Ready for a night of braids and blooms?! Get your girls together and join us along with Mint Salon on March 16th from 5:30pm-7:30pm for a night of fun and fundraising. Mint Salon braid specialist, Rachel Robach will be joining us for your chance to come and try an advanced braid. The first 20 attendees will also get free blooms to add to their braids! All evening, the Stacy K Floral team will be hosting floral and plant demos, including a build your own terrarium workshop. We'll have special store wide discounts, as well as refreshments, raffles and more. And, best of all, knock out unique braids! All proceeds raised will be donated to the Al Sigl Center of Rochester. The event is free with a suggested donation of $10 per braid. We hope you will join us for this amazing cause. Click here to RSVP and reserve your spot.