Plant care page
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care for
- Place it in brightly filtered light
- Keep the soil of houseplant dracaena moist, but never soggy. Drooping or yellowing leaves indicates over-watering or poor drainage

care for
- Calatheas need a warm spot and bright indirect light
- Keep out of direct sunlight
- Keep moist from Spring to Autumn
- They like humidiity so misting leaves daily or placing on a pebble tray
- Water with filters or distilled water, no tap water

care for
- need good air circulation can not be crowded
- cool to moderate temps 50-70 degrees F
- standard potting mix is great for them
- good drainage is preferred

plant care
- Monsteras prefer soil that is lightly moist, and generally like to dry out a little bit between waterings
- They are sensitive to overwatering
- Let the top 2 to 4 inches dry out before watering

care for
peace lily
- Like bright indirect light
- Water regularly the do not like to dry out, keep moist not wet
- Fertilize Spring to Summer
- Wipe leaves regular to encourage healthy plant

care for
- Thrives in medium-bright indirect light.
- Water every 1-2 weeks
- normal humidity is fine
- will grow baby plants at it's base that you can propage and share known as the "Chinese money plant"

care for
- Like medium light. The darker the leaves are, the less light it needs
- Water well and then allow the top 50% of the soil to dry out before watering again. Over-watering is the main reason a pothos plant dies
- Pothos plants remove harmful chemicals such as formaldehyde from the air.

care for
rubber plant
- Prefer bright indirect light
- The like well drained soil so allow to dry out between watering
- They linke humidity
- toxic and irritating to eyes and skin

care for
spider plant
- Medium to bright indirect light
- Allow the top 50% of the soil to dry out before you water. A good way to tell when a Spider plant needs water is to look at the leaves. The green color in the leaves starts to fade when the soil is dry

care for
zz plant
- ZZ plants like bright indirect light
- Let the soil dry out between waterings
- Average temp and humitiy is great
- Replant every Spring

care for
- Also know as the "Snake Plant"
- Can tolerate low light but will grow faster in bright light
- Allow the soil to dry out before watering; water less during the winter
- Sansevieria are clean air plants that remove benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene from the air

care for
- Spritz base of plant with water when media is completely dry - about once every 2 weeks
- A lot of bright indirect sun, some direct - if the plants are stretching (growing up) not getting enough sun

care for
Bonsai Trees
- Soil should remain damp, water 1-2 times per week
- Mostly direct sun, some indirect

care for
- Every week - 10 days
- Soak in luke-warm water for 10-15 minutes in buckets
- Remove and shake excess water off
- Lay a towel & set upside down to drain water off - until completely dry
- No direct sunlight - love artificial light

care for
- Some direct sun, mostly indirect
- Water 1-2 times per week, soil should remain damp. Pour water through center ‘cup’ of bromeliad

care for
- About 1 tablespoon of water once a week (roughly one squirt of a water bottle - think of an ice cube size)
- Spritz leaves and stalks with orchid mist once a week
- Bright indirect light, some direct

care for
- Spritz base of plant with water when media is completely dry - about once every 2 weeks
- Love sun, mostly direct sun, will discolor if not getting enough sun

care for
- Can survive in low light conditions, but grows faster and produces more leaves in medium or bright indirect light-- Never put any philodendron plant in direct sun
- Water well and then allow the top 50% of the soil to dry out before watering again. Yellow leaves on a Heartleaf Philodendron indicate over-watering and brown leaves mean the plant needs more water