Campanella Roses | Stacy K Floral Special | Rochester NY Florist
Campanella Roses typically surprise people, with the fact that they are indeed real !
They exhibit such beauty....reminiscent of the ruffled tulle on a gorgeous gown....or a dolled up cupcake that almost looks too fancy to consume.
But of course we do......We must indulge in the good stuff from time to time...... ; )
These roses have been a favorite among brides of course, but they enjoy the at home life just the same. Sometimes we feel a single flower is all someone needs to turn their day around, the Campenellas certainly do the trick.
In our design lab at Stacy K Floral, we currently have a special running on these little beauties. (while supplies last)
We would love to see them go to a good home, let's make it yours !
Sunset Roses | Stacy K Floral Special | Rochester NY Florist
Sunsets make for the best pre-night time show for the world to enjoy....breathtakingly beautiful they are, always.
So of course there would be a flower that would reflect !
The Sunset Rose.
We currently have a special running on these unique beauties, (while supplies last) they will evoke your emotions just like the real deal.
Have a piece of sunset happiness in your home today.
Caramel Antike Roses | Stacy K Floral Special | Rochester NY Florist
The Caramel certainly is a romantic wedding flower, but they are also wonderful in your vase too.
With it's round shape and high petal count, it will open big and beautifully. With just the right amount of fragrance to fill a room.
The Caramel rounds out our current Rose special. Stop into our shop or make an order for a delivery to have these warm your home.