Chapel Designers Experience | From Stacy K

Chapel Designers Experience | From Stacy K

Chapel Design Experience It has taken me forever to get around (3 months to be exact) to talk about my experience with the Chapel Designers because it’s so hard for me to put in words how enriching this experience was. I will begin with my New Year’s resolutions. I wanted to encourage (aka force) myself to do things that scare me, and then get over it. I wanted to attend industry events, by myself, and broaden my knowledge base and really kick some of my inner fears in the caboose#@$#@. What better way to take this head on, than booking a 4 day trip to NYC with 60 strangers all by my lonesome. So getting down right and personal I battle at times with the anxiety of taking adventures like this alone on top of leaving my one year old little guy for this length of time. I made myself by the ticket and make the steps to taking this adventure with no looking back………. So I got on the plane, landed in NYC, made it to my hotel with nervous tummy and all and attended the first social. Forced myself to talk to new people and attack that fear even though I felt it sneaking up on me at every turn of the way. Whoooo made it through day one. Day two: Learning day…….9-6 in a classroom learning, talking, learning more, taking notes, talking learning………………..OMG so much information. Social media in the wedding and event industry, positive energy, giving back, working with photographers, styled photo shoots, Francoise Weeks (simply the sweetest person I have ever met) you name it we covered it. Then the amazing Holly Chapple experience……this women is truly inspirational…(she get’s that all the time) to have the opportunity to have your soul touched by this amazing women and what she is creating is life changing. I walked away from this day so recharged and excited I went to my hotel room and called my team and ran my mouth at them for 2 hours just in case I forgot something before I got home, exhausted I went to bed. Day 3: Goal of this day was to really connect and make at least three friend (probably sounds ridiculous but I need to set goals). I was able to meet my ultimate inspirations Karen Tran, and David Beahm, design, tour an amazing work facility and connect with way more than three people. The most amazing lesson of this day…………that you can have 60 designers in one room with the same recipe and not a single bouquet is the same. That is SOOOO AMAZING to see and experience…… made me excited to teach, share and grow because even if I give away all my tricks I help my industry grow……and assist people in learning my craft that I love so dearly, and at the end of the day no one is me. I can’t be copied, I can’t be recreated because myself and others have no idea what my brain is brewing up next.

The last day was a quick tour of Martha Stewart Studio.......saying goodbye to all these amazing people and a quick learning time with Arielle Chezar who was equally inspiring!!!!! Really now I have to go home.....was all this a dream.....from day one my life was completely changed. I made friends I hope to keep for a life time, I learned things my heart needed to learn, and I was reinvented not only as a business owner but as a designer, Mother, and women. I even found time to salsa danced for 5 hours straight, something I had not done in soooo long. Last stage coming home…….how do you go through an experience like this, seriously life changing and then come home and apply it. Well that’s another blog post………………… In closing did I conquer my fear…..oh I kicked that bad boy out of the park. How would I summarize the Chapel Design Experience and what is it……Life changing, inspirational, loving, heartwarming, amazing, that snuggly cuddled in a safe blanket feeling all wrapped up in a bow with a number of amazing souls to share it with. If you don’t believe me here are some posts of others take on the same experience…’s so cool how we all take away just what we need but each takes something different. or blog reading about the conference: The Full Bouquet Blog – Designers arrive in NYC The Full Bouquet Blog – Day 1 Recap Posh Floral Design – Cocktail Party Posh Floral Design – Conference Day 1