Just In Savannah Bee Products

Just In Savannah Bee Products

So apropos for us to follow lasts week's blog post about Sweet Beez Honeybee Education and Conservation with our newest arrival. We are so excited to now be carrying Savannah Bee! "The finest honey and naturally luxurious health and beauty products." You can read more about this really amazing company by clicking here. "The Savannah Bee Company loves honeybees and the company is dedicated to educating children and adults about the important role bees play as pollinators of our most healthy foods. They believe that honeybees need all of the help that we can give them – start a beehive, avoid pesticides, plant diverse flowering species, support local beekeepers." We could not agree more. Tis's the season for gifting and how great to give something that is not only packaged so beautifully, a product that supports local and is helping make a difference one bee hive at a time.